“We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
– Martin Luther King Jr.
The Warrior’s way is a brotherhood of men fully committed to healing, growth and transformation. They are willing to let go of self-medication, expose their fears and shame publicly, and do the work necessary to become the man that they are designed to be.
“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.”
– Confucius
What It Is
- A tribe of men committed to their own spiritual, mental, and emotional growth
- Full, transparent, unapologetic honesty in a safe and confidential space
- 100 minute group meetings (virtually) once a month
- Individual accountability with another man in the group weekly
- Spiritual exercises to push, challenge, and transform you into the spiritual warrior you are designed to be
What It Isn’t
- A social club where you chit chat about surface things with your buddies.
- Group therapy where you talk on and on about your problems.
- Spiritual Novocain to make you feel better about your life in spite of not dealing with the issues.
Our Code
- My body and ego live in submission to my spirit
- I choose what is right versus what feels good or is easy
- I am a powerful man of discipline and action
- I am courageous enough to question my own prejudice and bias
- I seek the truth about myself
- My actions are in alignment with values, priorities, and morals
- I am responsible for the stories I tell myself. I refuse to play the victim
- I am truthful and trustworthy
- I respect the autonomy of others to choose their own path
Requirements to Qualify
Show up on time, prepared, every month. No excuses. No exceptions. Your spiritual growth and the support of the others has to be paramount and a priority.
No self-medication. This includes but isn’t limited to drugs (unless prescribed), alcohol, tobacco, pornography. Other common areas of self-medication such as food, shopping, gambling, etc will be at your discretion. Honesty and transparency with accountability partner in these areas is required.
40 minute weekly meetings with accountability partner in the group. This will be structured. Each person will speak for 15 minutes covering all areas of their life while the other listens without comment. The other person will then have 5 minute of thoughts to share about what has been said. Then the roles are reversed. You will have the same accountability partner throughout the 3 month commitment.
One hour of reading or spiritual exercises a month. Your insights and takeaways from this will be shared at our monthly virtual “campfire.” If you don’t do the work, you cannot contribute and are stealing from the group. This will not be tolerated.
Ten minutes of daily meditation. If we are going to break through the fog of business and confusion that keeps us blind we must commit to a daily practice.
Total and complete confidentiality. Nothing said within the group of accountability relationship is ever shared outside the group. Ever. Including wives, best friends, and therapists.
The Trilogy
- WW will be divided into a trilogy allowing for men to experience three distinct non sequential journeys over the course of a year with 1 month breaks in between to regroup, reflect and possibly recommit.
- New members can join any time but will be required to take a mandatory Boot Camp experience to acclimate to the group beforehand.
- Meeting times will be the 1st Sunday of the month at 8pm est – 9:45 eastern standard time

Part 1 The Call to Adventure: Facing and Releasing Past Illusions
Goal: Shedding those parts of self that no longer serve me, greater clarity about my potential
Beginning March 2023
- Letting Go of the False Self
- Letting go of the false-self meditation
- Letting go of the false-self contemplation
- Exploring the Enneagram
- Acknowledge (and heal) your Wounds
- Uncovering the False-Self and Reclaiming the Disassociated-Self
- Acknowledge your wounds
- Resentments 101
- Facing Fears
- Facing Fears
COST $125

Part 2 Death and Resurrection in the Abyss: Awakening a Future Vision
Goal: Discover my greatest gifts to the world.
Beginning July 2023
- Discover your Purpose and Live it
- Quest for purpose meditation
- VIA Character Strengths
- Interview about Strengths
- Discover your Purpose and Live it part 2
- The quest for purpose part 2
- Distractions 101
- Transcending the Ego and Body
- Transcending the Ego and Body
- Fasting
COST $125

Part 3 The Return of the King! Being the hero you have been waiting for
Goal: How to give my best gift to the world
Beginning November 2023
- Priorities and Values
- Setting Priorities
- Establishing Values
- Owning your Power
- Owning your power
- Victim or Creator
- All Circumstances are Neutral (CTFR)
- Gratitude and Service
- Meditation towards Gratitude
- Service and Generosity
COST $125
The General
For the man who is fully committed to making 2023 the biggest year of transformation yet. WW plus the coaching support needed to go even deeper with a trained professional coach. Finish it off with the biggest celebration of all that it means to be a man with many of the brothers you have journeyed with.
This package includes : All Three Trilogies, 10 one on one coaching sessions, Celebration of Awesomeness retreat August 25-27th, & Warrior’s Way T-shirt. Investment $1595
The Lieutenant
Get the Warrior’s Way experience with the extra support that you need. All three trilogies with 4 one hour one on one coaching sessions included to help you process and integrate the experience. Investment $635
The Trilogy: Investment $300
Individual Part: Investment $125 per section
My promise is if you show up and do the work and you don’t have a powerful meaningful experience that is worth at least twice that much I will happily give you your money back in full. No questions asked.
“A warrior thinks of death when things become unclear. The idea of death is the only thing that tempers our spirit.”
– Carlos Castaneda