“David continues to draw on pervious conversations and builds my understanding of why and how I approach situations. He helps me turn on lights in rooms I assumed had no switch.”
6 months, 60 minutes a week, life changing results
What to expect:
Feeling confident and powerful
Better self-esteem
Peace of mind
Improved relationships
Greater intimacy and sexual connection
Relief from stress, anxiety and depression
Improved intuition and spiritual connection
More money
Happiness, joy, and fulfillment
Hope and excitement about the future
These results are not just during the 6 months but change your trajectory over a lifetime
The ten-step process for getting there:
Knowing yourself in a new way
Clarity about strengths and liabilities
Letting go of the false self
Identifying obstacles (External and Internal)
Creating a blueprint for the life you always wanted
Mastery of thoughts and feelings
Owning your power
Releasing the past
Living your purpose
Integrating the transformation
Total commitment to change and transformation
10-minute daily meditation practice
Reschedule meetings 12 hours in advance
Do the homework between sessions
Price must sting. It is a prerequisite for growth. For you to show up fully prepared and committed. Total cost is 2875 (375 for the first month and 500/month for 5 additional months)