
4-6             Check in/relax.  Get to know people within your group.

6-8             Dinner (BBQ) and Clean up

8:30-11      Opening Ceremony: David Cunningham


7-7:45                    Morning group Yoga: Ken Caselden

8: – 8:30                Twin Hearts: Duncan Vos

8:30- 9:15             Learning to Listen: Ken Caselden

9:15  15                 minute break

9:30 – 11               Communication through conflict: David Cunningham

11-11:30                small group

11:30-1                  fix and eat brunch

1-2                        Free time

2-3                         The Divine Masculine Presence: A woman’s perspective: Patricia Rousso

3-6                         cold pluge/free time (relax, nap, journal)

6                            Dinner: (Steak)

8                            Games: Bart and Brock

9                Breathwork 60-65 minutes

10              Bonfire group reflection…How would you describe the other men you met today?  What did you learn about yourself today?

12              Lights out/ quiet time


7-7:45                    Morning group Yoga: Ken Caselden

7:45-8:15              Book exchange. 

8:15 – 9:30            Sacred Sexuality: Michael Flow

9:30 – 10:30          Effective Leadership: Tim Lancaster

10:30-11                Small group

11-1:30                  Brunch

1:30                       Final exercise

2                           Group Photos, Clean up / Pack/ 

3                            gotta be out.